Welcome to Real Estate Marketing Headquarters

Welcome to the most enhance real estate marketing headquarters content online. I’ve mixed real estate experience with the knowledge of local SEO marketing to produce a marketing machine.
To dominate your local real estate market you must perform creative marketing strategies.
The goal is to educate yourself on how your leads browsers and search the internet to answer their questions. Here at REMH I strive in given you the hidden tools of marketing to surpass your competition.
Overall below are the tools, resources, guides and software I use to place my business in front of 30k leads per month.
What Is Real Estate Marketing?
In simple terms, it’s about placing your name or brand in front of those who need your help. You as a real estate person no matter the industry you’re in from agent, broker, investor or even wholesaler you will need some form of REM.
- You will learn the following at REMH….
- Local Real Estate SEO
- Blogging for Local Rankings
- Creative Video Marketing Strategies
- Creating an Educational Real Estate Website
- Email Marketing “On Auto Polit”
- Networking to Gain on the Back End
- Building a Brand “Not Just Your Name”
- Saturating The Local Search Engine
- and too much list…
CMG Real Estate Marketing Headquarters Guides
The first guide I wrote on this list is the advance guide to creating an educational real estate website. Can’t stress enough the importance of laying the groundwork for your business. I’m not going to get too much into this topic, but I will say if you are doing business in the real estate industry without a website then you’re in trouble.
This guide was created just for those who want total control over their website and able to be live online in less than 10min.
Click here to get a website setup in the next 10min
Next guide that will get you jump started ahead of the local competition when it comes from online and offline marketing is my real estate marketing ideas advanced guide. The soul reason for this guide is to walk you through the beginner’s stages of online marketing.
Just these strategies alone will allow you to build an online presence like no other. 99% of the real estate people in your industry have no clue about this form of marketing…but you do
Click here to be found by thousand of leads online
Getting good quality listings as an agent or broker can be tough at times. The industry is so competitive that if feels like everyone is fighting for the same properties. For the agents who don’t have the unlimited listing coming what do you do to get the leads flowing?
What I’ve created is a guide that covers all points of getting unlimited listings by creative marketing. No spending tons of dollars on ads when you can just follow these points and have an unlimited listing at your fingertips.
Click here for unlimited listing blueprints
Tools and Resource
The #1 hosting company in the world – If you want to get the best domain, and hosting for your website then turn to the one and only BlueHost. For just $3.49 a month you can have the fastest and secure hosting online.
Capturing leads the easy way – Aweber is and will continue to be my reading lead capturing software. To be able to automate your business you need a way to collect information and Aweber allows you to do that.
Get unlimited real estate themes – When you create your website there is no need of learning code on building a theme. People have done that for you thousands of times over by just uploading a theme to your WordPress. So simple to do by making a few clicks, bingo you have a real estate website.
Here is my two to choose from… Mojo Marketplace or WP Themes
Free Chapter of 30k Leads in 30 Days
Go ahead and get a free chapter of my newly released 30k leads in 30 days ebook. This book is filled with all of my knowledge of dominating your local real estate market one marketing strategies at a time. Just the first chapter alone will give you tons of knowledge over your local real estate competitors.
Get your free chapter by going here
Real Estate Marketing Podcast
Coming Soon…
Free REM Newsletter Course
Get instant access here in 2min

Real Estate Marketing
Domination 101
Learn how to dominate your local real estate market by outsmarting your competitors.
This book breaks down the countless ways of putting your business in front of thousands of potential leads each month.
Tags: start here first