Tutorials: How to Drive Real Estate Website Traffic [Documentary]
In this documentary, I cover step-by-step details on how to drive real estate website traffic to any given website or web page. You will find me taking my real estate company called PoppaHomes, and building its online presence from day 1 to getting traffic to the web page. You will have to look over my shoulder at everything I’ve done to get this page ranked, traffic, leads, and the building of online authority.
What I’ve done is created a platform for those who need that one-on-one help without paying a dime for help. Not saying you won’t need help, and if so you can take on these local SEO services or just merely DIY with my membership website called LocalMagic. Regardless you will have the tools and blueprint right here on this page to dominating your competitors and out marketing them to the top.
What Will You Learn….
- How to do online research
- Analyze your competition
- Spying on the competition
- Creating your website or web page
- Optimizing that site
- Making sure it mobile-friendly
- Creating a regular blog post
- Creating Epic-wow content
- Building Profiles
- Buiding Citations
- Getting Access to 1000 Profiles and Citation
- Video Marketing 101
- Creating Top 10 Videos
- Networking
- Doing Outreach for Authority
- Creating Backlink (free)
- Creating Backlink (paid)
- How to do link building
- and much more….
This Can’t Be Real
When I decided to tackle this project on getting real estate website traffic in the form of teaching it video by video. I knew it was going to be something amazing for any reason if you have been doing marketing online as long as I have. Most times people will sell you a service and you will have to follow the information from A to Z. In the real estate industry for those who are not savy this can be hard to do since you only specialize in buying and selling properties.
Since this is the real estate industry I’ve decided to take a different approach. Why not teach and show people how to market a real estate business just like I’ve done for years. Why not give all of this information away for (FREE) and all you have to do is follow the info and your results will be based upon your efforts alone. By saying this most people will wonder why are given all of this away for no reason.
Very simple….I want to give away something that you will never find anywhere online. Meaning this will be the only course broke up into episodes that you will actually learn something exactly the way I’m performing it video by video.
- Nothing to Buy
- Nothing to Sell You
- Nothing too Overblown
- No False Hope
- Good and Bad
- Only the true stats from A to Z
Real Estate Website Traffic (BluePrints)
[Blueprints] This is what builders follow when their building houses, apartment, and very tall skyscrapers. They have to follow the blueprints to know where to start and where to go next to complete a job in a correct manner. Overall reason I’m saying this is because before starting this FREE course just know all the videos and content is some form of blueprints.
Meaning if you start from episode #1 and work your way to the end, you should be in a better place than you are today. You see as a local marketing consultant I try not to promise anything in marketing. All we can promise if you follow the blueprints laid out in front of you then you will have a greater chance of success.
My final message to you before barking on this new journey is to stay consistent and do what’s applied below. I promise if you follow these episodes from A to Z you can possibly become the #1 real estate company in your city.
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Episode #1
In this video, I cover some of the basics you all need when thinking about doing business in real estate. Yes, you must do some form o research to know who your competitors are and what they’re doing online. Not only that you need to start focusing on the keywords you plan on targeting, because without a target what do you aim to hit.
Important Resources
- We Buy Houses [your city]
- [Your City] Real Estate
- Free Online Keyword Research Tool 2.0
- The Advanced Guide of How to Create a Real Estate Website with WordPress in under 10 Minutes
Episode #2
One of the great tools and plugins in today’s market is taking the internet by a storm which RankMath. Years ago we all use to use “All in One SEO” vs “Yoast” and “Semrush” vs “Seopress”...these were and somewhat still the best of the best. But RankMath is an easier plugin to use, and the reason why I offer it to those in the real estate industry. Today’s episode covers how to use it to optimize your real estate content to start out rankings the local competition.
Important Resources
Episode #3
In this episode, I will cover my favorite survivor tool of all time which is Trello. It’s a project management web-based platform just for people like me and you. So I created a Trello guide video just to keep up with the marketing for your real estate business. You will be given a link below where you will get a copy of the same board I use each and every day for all my content promotion.
I show you all how to use Trello step by step for building your real estate website online presence. You will find a road map, and with this road map all you have to do is implement the actions and you will see some form of results. This is a must-have software so please take a moment to set it up on all your devices.
Important Resources
Episode #4 – Coming Soon
Share Your Results
I’m one of those people who want to help, and not only that use the community to help those that need it. One special way of doing that is by sharing your results with those who are striving for the same goals. In the comment section after you finish an episode and implement that action, don’t hesitate to come back and share your experience.
I will love to hear about the goals you are achieving video after video. I think doing this will make the next person accountable to stay consistent and if everyone stays on the right path of marketing then the sky will be the limit.
Leave your comment below…

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Tags: rankmath, Real Estate Marketing, real estate website traffic, trello